
Doug Hawkins
Chief of Police
Bowling Green Police Department
"I've had the good fortune to have known Danny Vickous for over 20 years, and in that time have come to respect and trust Danny both personally and professionally - and in particular in the training products he provides. Danny is the consummate professional and I continue to be impressed with the diversity of his training programs, his attention to detail in his preparation and planning and in his credible approach to the instruction of his training curriculum."

Gary Sullivan
Director of Corporate Security
Commonwealth Health Corporation
"It is very obvious that you took considerable time to prepare this training course and it is equally obvious that the course was appropriate for the setting in which we work. I have heard nothing but favorable comments from my staff and how beneficial the training was. I would highly recommend your services to anyone looking to implement and improve their department's level of skill related to use of force."

Rick Bard
Reverend Rick Bard
Broadway United Methodist Church
"Recently, we embarked on a journey to evaluate the best practices for creating a safe weekday environment for our preschool. … In recent months we have begun to incorporate Danny's suggestions into a church-wide strategy for all services and activities. … It is with the highest regard and respect that I recommend Danny Vickous and his company My Brother's Keeper to help you achieve your ministry goals."